The Story of Arunachal Pradesh Revival

It was in the year 1997, when Pastor Finny  for the first time visited Arunchal Pradesh. Pastor Finny  after his wedding with Sheeba Philip, travelled to Arunachal Pradesh to do minister among the local people of the land. Pastor Finny’s wife Mrs Sheeba Philip lived in Arunachal Pradesh with her parents. Mrs Sheeba Philip’s father and mother were employed in Arunachal Pradesh and as a family they have been living in Arunachal Pradesh for many years. Therefore, Pastor Finny with his wife could go to Arunachal Pradesh after their wedding and continue their ministry there.

Pastor Finny  associated with Pastor K P Philipose in the service of Lord Jesus Christ in the land of Arunachal Pradesh. Pastor K P Philipose had been leading the service of God there. Pastor Finny  submitted himself to the Apostolic authority of Pastor K P Philipose and continued his service to God in Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh is a state with variety of tribes. Among these variety of tribes, God gave Pastor Finny the opportunity to minister to thousands, and he had the joy to see the salvation of many thousands. Once he had also the opportunity to meet the chief minister of the state, he was given the opportunity to pray and share the gospel at his house. God gave him the opportunity to pray for least person in the state as well.

Pastor Finny writes a detailed outline of these events and the Arunachal Pradesh revival in a book. The book is entitled ‘Pentocost Again’. The book is a straight-out manifestation of his deep desire that the rest of the world know the Revival that occurred in Arunachal Pradesh. The book was published in the year 2020. Many servants of God have read this book, they expressed how they have been encouraged and inspired to expect great revivals from God.

Pastor Finny and his family has been continuing there ministry in Arunachal Pradesh, they have been standing in the front to pass on the mantle of God’s service to youngsters in Arunachal Pradesh.

Arunachal Pradesh Moments

Pentocost Again Book